
What is Fascia?

Author: Walker Cruikshank, CSCS Have you ever wondered what holds everything in your body together? Meet fascia, the unsung hero that keeps your muscles, bones, nerves, and organs in place and working smoothly. Think of fascia as a web of connective tissue that wraps around every part of your body, providing support, stability, and allowing… Read More »

The Benefits of Sleep for Physical Therapy

Author: Brandon Guastafeste, PT, DPT, CSCS To increase mood, sports performance, and general health, quality sleep is crucial for physical therapy recovery. Overall, sleep is essential and effective in Physical Therapy to reduce pain, increase mental well-being, and can lead to better therapy outcomes. Some Benefits of Quality Sleep are: A few tips for Better… Read More »

The Whys and Hows of Warming up

Author: Noah Kaminsky, PT, DPT, CSCS Getting warmed up prior to sports or exercise has many benefits.  Performing warm-ups increase muscle temperature and blood flow which contributes to improved performance and reduced risk of injury Some other benefits include: Components of a Warm Up A typical warm up includes soft tissue work, mobility drills, muscle… Read More »

Basics of Nutrition and its Importance in Exercise Recovery

Author: Breanna McLane, ATC In the journey towards achieving our fitness goals or just keeping up with staying active daily, there is a large focus on physical training. You see it everywhere you go whether that be articles, YouTube, or from your local gym. However, there is another component of this journey that is often… Read More »

Artificial Turf vs Natural Grass? Which is safer for athletes?

Author: Jennifer DeRosa, PT, DPT, ATC Due to the substantial impact of athletic injuries, debates continue with regards to specific equipment, protocols, and playing surfaces that will maximize players safety and minimize risk of injury. Challenges with finding the correct answer is due to the multitude of variables that need to be taken into account,… Read More »

New Habits in the New Year

Author: Will Parker, CSCS, USAW, FMS Happy New Year!  I hope you are starting off 2024 having a wonderful time with your friends and family!  Going into the new year many people get extra motivation to achieve new goals and aspirations for themselves.  Unfortunately, most start strong only to revert back into old habits and… Read More »

Don’t Rush the Return to Play

Author: Dennis Meszler, MPT, SCS We deal with many athletes looking to get back to sport as soon as possible. When most athletes hear the doctor say it is going to be 6-9 months before you get back on the field they immediately think, “I’m going to be the 6-month person!” Many probably even say… Read More »

Avoid These Common Training Mistakes

Author: Brian Schiff PT, DPT OCS, CSCS Many patients in our clinic seek relief for pain that limits their ability to work out or play sports. Often, this pain is unknowingly self-inflicted as the direct result of training errors and improper loading patterns. Understanding the relationship between tissue loading and recovery as it pertains to… Read More »

Suns Out (Almost) Guns Out

Author: Will Parker, CSCS, USAW We all know about the upcoming Spring Break, pool parties, July 4th at the lake and weekends hitting up the beach, so you might be thinking “I’ve got some work to do to look good in my board shorts or two piece.”  With that in mind, let’s talk about the… Read More »